Echocardiography Scans

What is Echocardiography?

An echocardiogram is a specialised type of ultrasound scan that images the heart. The scan generates high-resolution images of the cardiac chambers and heart muscle (myocardium), and is used to assess function of the heart muscle and cardiac valves.

An echocardiogram is a non-invasive and painless test performed by a sonographer who has undergone subspecialty training in echocardiography. Our lead Cardiac Sonographer, Andrew McDonald, has postgraduate honours qualifications in advanced echocardiography, and has collaborated with our principal radiologist Dr Watts for nearly two decades on echocardiography and complex ultrasound cases at Pindara Hospital, Benowa.

Echocardiography is a type of ultrasound scan, and therefore does not involve any radiation, but rather uses sound waves to generate highly detailed real-time images of the heart.

Panorama Radiology Specialists use a dedicated state-of-the-art echocardiography scanner to produce the highest possible image quality of the cardiac structures.

Echocardiography is safe in pregnancy.

What Happens During My Echocardiography Scan?

Our staff will advise you of any special preparation that may be required. Generally, it’s a good idea to wear loose-fitting clothing with separate tops and bottoms to make changing easier. You may be asked to change into a gown for your scan.

Most echocardiography appointments in our Benowa Gold Coast clinic take around 20-30 minutes.

Echocardiography Fees

To enable us to provide the highest possible standard of echocardiography services including industry leading technology delivered by highly trained cardiac sonographers, Panorama now charge a modest gap fee for echocardiography services. Our gap fees are extremely competitive and remain amongst the lowest in the region.

Echocardiography Results

Your results and images will be promptly electronically delivered to your referrer.

You will need to return to see your referrer to discuss your results and any further management.

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