OPG, Cephalometry and CT Dentascan
What is an OPG (Orthopantomogram)?
An OPG or Dental X-Ray, also known as an orthopantomogram, is a specialised diagnostic imaging study where a specialised dental imaging machine scans the jaw and face using a very small dose of X-Rays, to generate a high-resolution panoramic image of the jaw and mouth, including the teeth, bones and soft tissues.
What is Cephalometry?
A Cephalometry study is a similar type of specialised low dose dental X-Ray scan which generates a side view of the bones, dental and soft tissue structures of the face. Cephalometry is commonly used for orthodontic assessment, management and surgical planning.
Panorama Radiology Specialists uses leading-edge dental imaging technology to create high-definition images using a tiny radiation dose.
OPG and Cephalometry scans are quick, painless and non-invasive.
What is a CT Dentascan?
A CT Dentascan is a specialised type of low-dose CT scan that produces high-resolution 3D images of the jaw, teeth and facial structures to aid accurate diagnosis of dental disease and outline dental and facial anatomy in exquisite detail, which assists dentists, orthodontists, periodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons with precise therapeutic and surgical planning.
Ultra Low-Dose CT Dentascan Technology
At Panorama Radiology Specialists, our state-of-the-art 640 slice low dose CT machine is equipped with CT Dentascan technology and Deep Learning Reconstruction AI, which enables CT Dentascans to be performed at a substantially lower radiation dose than conventional CT machines.
Generally, OPG, Cephalometry and CT Dentascans are not recommended in pregnancy due to the very small radiation dose involved.
Please advise our staff if you are pregnant or think you might be.
Dental Imaging Fees
PRS has a bulk billing policy for all Medicare-eligible Dental Imaging referrals.
Dental Imaging Results
Your results and images will be promptly electronically delivered to your referrer, mostly on the same day.
You will need to return to see your referrer to discuss your results and any further management.
What is a CT Dentascan?
A CT Dentascan is a specialised low dose CT imaging technique using our 640 slice CT machine equipped with dose reduction AI technology. It is used in dental imaging, scanning the teeth, jaw and oral cavity in around 0.27 of a second to generate high-resolution 2D and 3D reconstructed images of the teeth, jaw, oral cavity and temporo-mandibular joints.
The images provide detailed anatomical information to assist dental and healthcare practitioners, orthodontists, periodontists and maxillofacial specialists in obtaining an accurate diagnosis and management planning.
Panorama Radiology Specialists use state-of-the-art CT technology to provide exquisite anatomical detail of the teeth and mandible using low radiation doses.
What Happens During My CT Dentascan Appointment?
There is no special preparation for the scan. The scan itself takes a few seconds.
Generally OPG, Cephalometry and CT Dentascan are not recommended in pregnancy due to the small radiation dose required for the scan.
Please advise our staff if you are pregnant or think you might be.
Dental Imaging Fees
PRS has a bulk billing policy for all Medicare-eligible Dental Imaging referrals.
Dental Imaging Results
Your results and images will be promptly electronically delivered to your referrer, mostly on the same day.
You will need to return to see your referrer to discuss your results and any further management.