Bone Densitometry

What is a Bone Mineral Densitometry Scan?

Bone Mineral Densitometry, also known as DEXA (Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry), is a bone density scan using a specialised ultra-low dose X-Ray. It is commonly used to detect and measure osteoporosis and give an estimate of fracture risk. Many clinicians use bone densitometry testing to monitor the progress of osteoporosis and response to therapy.

At Panorama Radiology Specialists, we use the latest DEXA technology for our bone density scans. The scan is a quick, non-invasive test that uses a tiny dose of X-Rays to produce images of the body, including the lumbar spine and hips. The scanner uses X-Rays of two different energies, which allow accurate measurement of the density of calcium within bones.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a common condition characterised by bone loss and reduced bone density, resulting in increased bone fragility and a higher fracture risk. Osteoporosis commonly affects post-menopausal women, but may also occur in men with advancing age and in a range of medical conditions, including conditions affecting the kidneys, parathyroid and thyroid glands, and some developmental conditions.

DEXA is effective in detecting osteoporosis and measuring fracture risk, and also in tracking the progress of therapies over time. Bone density and fracture risk may be influenced by increasing age, BMI, liver and kidney disease, a family history of osteoporotic fractures, smoking, low Calcium intake, a sedentary lifestyle or excessive alcohol consumption.

Please speak to your doctor if you think you may be at a higher risk of osteoporosis, as early intervention can significantly reduce the long-term risk of osteoporotic fractures.



Please advise our staff if you are pregnant or think you might be.

What Happens During My Bone Densitometry Appointment?

You will be asked to complete a preliminary questionnaire before undergoing a bone density scan, which includes information about your health, medical and surgical history. Please be mindful of documenting any prior spinal or hip replacement surgery, as these may affect the results or scan technique. You should avoid taking Calcium supplements for 24 hours prior to your procedure.

Our staff may ask you to change into a gown for your scan.

DEXA Results

Your bone density test results and images will be promptly electronically delivered to your referrer, typically the same day.

You will generally need to return to see your referrer to obtain and discuss your results.

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